NICE(II)                      8/5/73                     NICE(II)

     nice - set program priority

     (nice = 34.)
     (priority in r0)
     sys nice


     The scheduling priority of the process is changed to the ar-
     gument.  Positive priorities get less service than normal; 0
     is default.  Only the super-user may specify a negative pri-
     ority.  The valid range of priority is 20 to -220.  The val-
     ue  of  4  is recommended to users who wish to execute long-
     running programs without flak from the administration.

     The effect of this call is passed to a child process by  the
     fork  system  call.   The effect can be cancelled by another
     call to nice with a priority of 0.

     The actual running priority of a process is the priority ar-
     gument  plus  a number that ranges from 100 to 119 depending
     on the cpu usage of the process.


     The error bit (c-bit) is set if the user requests a priority
     outside the range of 0 to 20 and is not the super-user.

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