TTYS(V) 2/11/75 TTYS(V) NAME ttys - typewriter initialization data DESCRIPTION The ttys file is read by the init program and specifies which typewriter special files are to have a process created for them which will allow people to log in. It consists of lines of 3 characters each. The first character is either `0' or `1'; the former causes the line to be ignored, the latter causes it to be effec- tive. The second character is the last character in the name of a typewriter; e.g. x refers to the file `/dev/ttyx'. The third character is used as an argument to the getty pro- gram, which performs such tasks as baud-rate recognition, reading the login name, and calling login. For normal lines, the character is `0'; other characters can be used, for example, with hard-wired terminals where speed recogni- tion is unnecessary or which have special characteristics. (Getty will have to be fixed in such cases.) FILES /etc/ttys SEE ALSO init(VIII), getty(VIII), login(I) - 1 -